Can someone please remind my eldest cat that it is NOT ok to eat plastic and bits of tape, and then hoark it up all over my nice clean living room? Ick. This is my reward for hours of leaf-containment?
(askye, i'm assuming you've already been referred to a urologist to check out the wierdness? In case it is not specifically related to lady-bits? All of my ovarian cysts [and there have been many] were very evident on ultrasounds. And MRI's.)
(Smonster, do your break up in whatever way is gonna be the most humane means you can sanely manage. It's always gonna be ugly unless it's totally mutual.)
In other news, an LJ friend introduced me to a fannish Indian girl in New York, and we have been having long e-mail conversations for the last couple weeks
Hey! Do I know her? I know a fannish Indian girl in New York!
Awww, Nico is an equal opportunity eater (and barfer). FTR, Puppycat totally scarfs food and horks it. I disapprove of her reality tv-star ways.
ugh. my uterus is betraying me.
feel like I'm not bleeding, I'm hemorraghing. I had to buy maxi pads for the first time in years because I was tired of dealing with accidents. I haven't bled this badly since before the fibroid surgery.
I hope that the fibroids aren't back.
Not the one I know! But still, cool!
Okay, I think I found my Christmas cards for this year: [link]
Not the one I know!
Alas! That would have been awesome. But now we know there are at least two fannish Indian girls in New York.
But still, cool!
It is!
Question: I'm going to lunch with two friends. I exchange Christmas presents with one of them, but not the other. Is it tacky to bring the gift if I don't know if I'll see her again before christmas?
I guess it depends on the other person. Some people could be understanding about it, and some could feel a little hurt or left out. From a practical point of view, it makes sense to do such a thing, so I don't know that it's universally tacky.