EPIC_T is my HERO! Timing is wonderful! Thank you!!!!!!!!
(we now resume our rehearsal day)
[Hil, I second getting the script filled. And I'm not one who advocates lots of meds. At worst, you can borrow a cane, and be snarky and pretend to be House!]
I hate to bargain. It's too much like conflict, and I hate conflict.
It doesn't have to be like conflict. I would say that it might make you more comfortable to have an alternative. It's also good to just tell the truth. "I'd really like to get this phone here, but option X is Y dollars cheaper. What can you do for me?"
And be prepared to walk.
The only bargaining advice I have is you need to be prepared to walk away. If they can't give you the deal you're asking for, you leave without a phone. Most salespeople would rather have a small commission than none, and if they see that you'd rather go somewhere else, will suddenly discover that they *do* have the power to grant discounts.
Steph, my husband is awesome at bargaining with people and like Jess and Hec said, I think a lot of it is that he's willing to walk away. He's also always nice, unless someone has been rude or something. But in this sort of situation, I've noticed that he seems to present his situation, let the person know that *he* knows they want to help/sell him something, and then if it doesn't work, leave.
Anyway, how do you people who have tougher (metaphorical) spines than I do, bargain in such a situation?
I think that the key to a strong bargain is two things: 1 - being willing to walk away. You can want it, but if you are willing to walk, you can negotiate harder and they sense that. 2 - make sure that you're talking to someone with the power to make a deal. There's no point in pulling out all of the stops with a guy who can only offer the party line. If he says "oh, I can't do that" say "May I speak to the manager" If he says "he'll tell you the same thing", then reply "I have some other things I'd like to discuss with him/her"
This is not a good economy, so they should be willing to work with you to get a sale. If in the previous situation you had made it clear that they were going to give you a new phone or you were leaving, they might have been willing to make a concession.
Also, think about other options. He might have had to charge you the $30, but maybe there were some accessories that he could have thrown in for free or a coupon or something.
I realize this marks me as a sad individual, but there you have it. I hate to bargain. It's too much like conflict, and I hate conflict.
not sad. Just conflict avoidant. I happen to do well with conflict, so let me help you :)
I'm also realizing that I *could* buy the smartphone through their Web site, since I don't need it right away, unlike The Boy (who needs a new phone ASAP, since his old one bit the dust).
I hadn't fully realised that walking away after asking a price could so clearly be interpreted as code for bargaining. Got me more than 50% off my favourite leather coat--I was seriously just asking the price of something I had no intention of buying, but he took my walking away as hard bargaining. I think I ended up paying 1/3 of list.
Be firm. Honestly mean to walk away.
Is there a reason you're not availing yourself of the web specials? (eta: since answered)
Smartphones are very hard to bargin over now. They are top of the list of WANT.
and now vs. 30.00 might be worth the money.
Also, Steph, if you don't need one right away (or don't need to use the idea of buying two phones to get a bargain), you might want to wait for January sales.
I have no idea about the bargaining.
I took a Vicodin. Mostly, it made me sleepy. A little less pain, too.