America's Missing Top Model
This is a broadcast of Britain's Missing Top Model, yes? I saw half of one episode. What I saw wasn't particularly exploitative (although it was dull as a dishcloth with no soap on that's been lying in mucky water in the sink for a week). Otherwise, Hil is me.
But this article [link] is, um, interesting. We've been talking social model and language recently. Spot the language problems in this.
I don't know what to do with myself today. Although I do have to write an essay at some point (2000 words - not sure I can write that little after 12,000 - it's an introduction...) and I have a doctor's appt. Also, I have to take The Girl to her blood test appt. They make her pass out. She has sedatives. I will be walking her home. Heh.
Edited to remove spoilery link. Sorry - not awake yet.
Today's episode of Write Your Essay And/Or Get up! Get Up! GET UP! With Fry & Laurie, is actually five minutes of Fry, Laurie, and Cleese: [link] possibly NSFW due to the Silver Dick Presentation.
Tooth is gone. Extraction wasn't bad at all. Now the Novocaine is starting to wear off. I've got a prescription for Vicodin if I need it.
Biting on gauze is getting annoying.
A wet teabag will help stop the bleeding, or so one dentist told me, but the annoying factor is still high.
No more gauze -- bleeding stopped enough. I'm now very carefully eating applesauce. Later on, I might go so far as rice noodles. Maybe over-cooked pierogies. I've also got a pint of soy ice cream in the freezer.
A wet teabag will help stop the bleeding, or so one dentist told me
That was the only thing that stopped the bleeding after my pulled tooth, when I continued to have bleeding (minor; more of an oozing, really) for 8+ hours.
IIRC, it needs to be black tea, not green or hippie fruit tea, because the tannins in the black tea are what make the capillaries contract. (Or -- does green tea have tannins? I don't know, because I don't like/drink it.)
Gah. Got applesauce in the empty tooth socket. Novocaine is still sort of there, so it didn't hurt, just felt really weird.
Eek, Hil. Good luck over the next couple days.