Nora, it might be no consolation, but my 63-year-old mom got fired over the summer, and she started a new job last week.
It is definitely a consolation- thanks! She didn't get any severance, to boot.
Ugh, my poor mom- I am furious on her behalf. She has self esteem issues and this will be a bruiser on those, for sure.
Her (wealthier) sister got laid off in her early 60s and was able to afford to retire. Not my mom.
Trapped by cat. can't do dishes or finish pate
Mmm. I got fed. Boyfriend ran to the store for milk and flowers and sweets.
Yay. Green bean casserole is in the oven, ham is marinating in cider for...another hour, say. Then into the oven with you, Mr. Piggy, for a nice, warm 3 hour nap.
And my house is clean. Yay. (Am I a horrid person for being glad my bf has to work Friday, and I will have the whole day by myself to do NOTHING with a fridge full of leftovers and a clean house? I thought not.)
Nora, ~ma to your mom. That really sucks.
Also forgot to wish a speedy recovery to Sparky's wee K. Poor baby!
Nora, tons of job~ma for your mom. The poor thing!
We are at the beach. Let the holiday eating and relaxing begin! Oh, and there is internet access, which was in doubt.
Steph, gathering anecdata is better than panicking! I'm going with stress+pinched nerve, and I'll discuss it with my psychiatrist next week. You all are a great help.
Cranberries and first batch of cornbread are done; bread sponge is set; bird in brine. For tomorrow, second batch of cornbread after we eat half of what should be dressing for breakfast*, roasting, baking, veggies. Then videogames and stock.
*yes, we plan for this.
so, I, um, trimmed the sweet potato hazelnut bars to even them up for cutting. Damn, that's good. It's like a sweet potato or pumpkin pie on top of a hazelnut crust.
You people are killing me with the food talk. I'm sitting here with yogurt and ginger ale.
I need a wife.
Green bean casserole done, ham in oven, cider-mustard glaze reducing on stovetop. Diswasher a-hummin', because I am smart and cleaning as I go, so I can have the dishwasher free for dirt dinner dishes tomorrow afternoon.
I think I may give myself a little manicure later. Just nail filing and clear polish. And some lotion.
Also, may shave legs, since bath is pristine, and I plan on wearing a skirt (elastic waistband) and sweater tomorrow, and if I wear tights, I'll just get cat hair all over them. I plan to not wear shoes.
Hmm. Perhaps I'll just wear knee socks.