There's actually been a bunch of research lately in gifted education about gifted+LD kids. If you google "twice-exceptional" (I hate that phrase, but it's the one that's caught on) there's a lot of information.
My physical therapist wants me to use arch supports rather than the ankle brace, on the theory that keeping my feet in the right position will force my ankle into the right position. I'm skeptical, but I just put them in my shoes and I am going to attempt to go to the library and CVS.
Random Binet fact. His probably the first person in history who wanted to go to medical school, then decided against it because he was sqeamish about cutting up a cadaver, and went into psychology instead. He was not the last.
In contrast to J.G. Ballard who kind of fell in love with his anatomy cadaver. (But not in a sexual, necrophiliac way.)
sj, a book for the plane ride home?
Glam for the win! Thanks, that is a great idea.
LD=learning disabled? If you're gifted and LD, I just take that to mean that the giftedness is a symptom of your non-standard brain wiring, which seems to be all that's needed some days for a kid to pick up the LD label. "Little Johnny doesn't do well on the test the other kids are taking." "That's because Little Johnny has deduced the theoretical underpinnings of the questions that are being asked, seen the logical flaws, and is sitting there wondering WTF?"
If you're gifted and LD, I just take that to mean that the giftedness is a symptom of your non-standard brain wiring, which seems to be all that's needed some days for a kid to pick up the LD label. "Little Johnny doesn't do well on the test the other kids are taking." "That's because Little Johnny has deduced the theoretical underpinnings of the questions that are being asked, seen the logical flaws, and is sitting there wondering WTF?"
More like, Little Johnny Tests High, but flubs every piece of homework, because Little Johnny has no sense of the passage of time, gets obsessed over weird and small details, and suffers from both hyperfocus and an utter lack of focus, depending on the task.
Little Johnny feels like s/he is disappointing everyone around, why won't you live up to your potential? and is halfway to an ulcer from the stress of it all when Little Johnny discovers, no, that's not normal, your brain's just peculiar in ways that make it harder to function at some tasks.
Not that Little Johnny is bitter about the years spent assuming s/he was just lazy/undermotivated/whatthefuckever or anything like that. Oh no. S/he is thrilled about it. Honestly.
no sense of the passage of time, gets obsessed over weird and small details, and suffers from both hyperfocus and an utter lack of focus, depending on the task
That... sounds rather like me. Hm.
arch supports
are evil, imho. Every foot doctor has insisted I wear them because I have flat feet, but they hurt. The more "supportive" a shoe is, the more likely it is to hurt and throw off my gait. I go shoeless whenever I can.
Or, in my case: Me, age 8 or so. Ask me, "I'm making this recipe that calls for 1/2 cup of flour, but I want to make three times the recipe, how much should I use?" and I could tell you to fill up the 1 cup measure once and the 1/2 cup measure once, or the 1/2 cup measure 3 times. Ask me what 6+7 is, and I'll most likely just pick some random number between 10 and 15.
I've also always had issues with writing stuff by hand, which has confused tons of tests. I've gotten better at it, but in elementary school, if you told me to write about something and gave me a piece of paper and a pencil, and then told me to write about something and gave me a computer or typewriter, the typed thing would show a much higher level of language usage than the handwritten thing would.
I've got dyscalculia, Connie.
Can't speak for anyone else's, but I'd count it as a secondary condition, personally.
Because I can't read maps, do higher math...