I vote for coffee.
Delurking 1: Because we don't always check our e-mail.
A more nuanced approach?
Consistent within each docset, though. In theory, all documents belonging to Org X of Type Y will follow the same rules for grammar, word use, and formatting.
Consistent within each docset, though. In theory, all documents belonging to Org X of Type Y will follow the same rules for grammar, word use, and formatting.
Ahaahahaha. Except when some of the style rules for Org X have never been officially documented, and are only learned through word-of-mouth tribal knowledge.
Except when some of the style rules for Org X have never been officially documented, and are only learned through word-of-mouth tribal knowledge.
You work with my crazy!boss? She's the one who will, after YEARS of following one style point, suddenly stop doing it without telling us, berate us for still doing it even though we didn't know she stopped doing it, and then when asked why she stopped, will give the answer, "I just don't like it that way."
Crazy!boss trumps any legitimate style guide any day.
Ahaahahaha. Except when some of the style rules for Org X have never been officially documented, and are only learned through word-of-mouth tribal knowledge.
That's why I said "In Theory!"
Though I think we still have a Style Council that exists to vote things off the formatting island. I'll ask everyone's heterosexual gay best friend editor on Monday.
It is so Buffista-ish to take over a delurking thread with punctuation debates.
Sorry, lurkers.
Please to continue delurking.
Yes! We shall still love you, even if you are wrong on the Internets not a fan of the serial comma!
Please, carry on delurking, and feel free to ignore us!
This delurker is loving the debate!
Up with the serial comma!
HA HA the lurkers support us in the thread.