He forgot to mention that he is cute
Delurking 1: Because we don't always check our e-mail.
He really is. Especially when he's geeking out about Arts and Crafts furniture. ::nods::
Hi, Matt!
We have exceptional lurkers.
Schmacky/Smacky the Manpony, wasn't it?
I had completely forgotten that, though I did harrass him with it frequently at the time. He'd just turned 17 when I joined the board. He's now almost 24, living with his girlfriend, working and trying to figure out life. That he will someday attend college is my hope that springs eternal.
I'm trying like heck to get MM to log in and update.
Sadly, I have long-since lost the passwords to the Remote-Controlled Robot Zombies. They miss their master.
Hi Amy!
I remember Beth reading Deena's account of Schmacky the Man-Pony aloud lo these many years ago on (I think) a Sunday morning, including Nick's demand, "Mom, make her stop it!" and realizing that Kara was A Force To Be Reckoned With even then.
Hi, Matt! Don't be a stranger, now.
Fernet: of the devil, and not in the fun way. I believe Vortex can attest to my dislike of Fernet.
Fernet = awesome! Even if it can't be lit on fire.
Have you TRIED to light it on fire?
It tastes like it's already on fire.
Have you TRIED to light it on fire?
Yes. At the SF f2f. Juliana and I decided that it was an important thing to find out.
How much 80 proof would you have to add to it to make it flammable?