Hello everyone. I know I see most people in other social media spaces, but here is the super safe place for me.
I'm on a phone all during the day, but still on a laptop at night, so the posting is pretty regular in evenings.
Buffy ,'Potential'
Hello everyone. I know I see most people in other social media spaces, but here is the super safe place for me.
I'm on a phone all during the day, but still on a laptop at night, so the posting is pretty regular in evenings.
This is the safest place for me, too. I can say things here I wouldn't say anywhere else.
I'm happy that Gud has taken the extra work on to make the site more mobile-friendly.
I haven't done anything to the real site yet. The beta site is all responsive design and that buzzwordy stuff. www.buffistas.me. I'm still hoping to have some time to work on it at some point, but I've been continuously buried.
Will I still be able to recognize and use the real site on my laptop when everything is done?
I go through life phone and tablet free. I realize I'm an outlier, but I love this place and you folks, and I'd like to still come here and be able to read and stuff with just a laptop.
I go through life phone and tablet free.
Nice! I use both, but the phone for text and FB messages as well as actual phone stuff. And the tablet for reading books. They both do internet, but I don't use them for that except rarely.
I am not at all a lurking Buffista! With working from home it is just too easy to pop in dozens of times a day when I start something for work that takes a few seconds to process or open. I used to be big into multi-tasking several work things at once, but now I multi-task both work and play.
Yep, I'm with Laura, I do that a ton too (and also work from home). Which is funny because back in the day I started "meara-ing" because I wasn't allowed to be on the board at work and would catch up at the end of the day!
Yup, I'm the same way. Since I work from home, alone, the internet is how I get some human interaction during the day.
Will I still be able to recognize and use the real site on my laptop when everything is done?
It should look almost the same. Right now, the left sidebar is missing, but I intend to add that back when the browser window is wide enough. The big difference will be a menu bar across the top to navigate the site and will duplicate what is on the left sidebar. That top menu will collapse in a mobile friendly way to help out mobile users.
Gud news, Gud! Thanks for all you're doing.
Gud, thank you for all the work you're doing. I'm in awe of it.
I guess I kinda-sorta lurk these days? I try to keep up and post, but I also don't want all my posts to be crazed despairing laughter about my work deadlines.