I'm a bit lurky these days...
Delurking 1: Because we don't always check our e-mail.
I consider it a good week if I post something every day. A bad week, only post once. There have been a lot of ok weeks.
I do love it when people delurk, here or elsewhere. I might or might not be do the mental equivalent of starting to reach out to pet delurkers' hair because they are so lovesome, but then pulling back because I realize how creepy it is.
Really, I'm not creepy, I swear. I won't pet anyone without express permission.
I grant express permission to Windy for pets.
It seems I am either posting a whole bunch or I get so far behind that by the time I catch up I don't have anything to add to discussion. But I read and nod and laugh and send loving thoughts most days.
Hi Lurkers! Jump on in! Water's fine!
I'm not quite lurky but close.
I hadn't read this thread last year. The first post was from ita.
t /gut punch
Pets Laura's hair.
Thinks warm, non-petting thoughts at Kat.
Kat does have nice pretty silky pettable hair, just saying.
Having nice pretty silky pettable hair is NOT an invitation to pet. It is enough to simply admire.
ETA: Yes, I did say that to myself in a mom voice.
The first post was from ita.
Damn. I haven't fully acknowledged that she's gone. Or my sister either, and she died almost 2 years ago. I just can't with the dying anymore. No one else gets to die.
Aside from weekly Sleepy Hollow gushing in Boxed Set, I'm pretty lurky these days.