Hi, ehab!
Delurking 1: Because we don't always check our e-mail.
Demonstrating that life really is what happens when you're making other plans, I'm largely reduced to lurking. But things are calming down and I hope to be back on the board soon.
Nillybabies are adorbs!!!
Congratulations Una!
And Nilly, those children are so beautiful and so happy. What a blessing!
So, hi.
Sorry I slipped into lurkerdom there. Life kinda sucked for a while last spring, and while I'm still dealing with the ramifications of that, it is getting better. And then life got kinda busy what with summer fundraising, and tour, and the start of the traveling music school year, and then more travel and touring. But I'm here. And I have actually been actively lurking, just not quite able to jump back in.
But then I had an awesome fb conversation with Kat, and I miss that and all of you! So hi!
Liese! I've been missing you!
I was wondering if you were okay! Good to see you here!
Lovely to see you, Liese
Hi, Liese!
Late to the party...I still post in TV threads but rarely catch up to post in Bitches and Natter.
Nilly babies are adorable!
Una that is an awesome job!