Nillybabies make every day better!
Delurking 1: Because we don't always check our e-mail.
Awww, so much cuteness!
I can't believe I almost missed this thread...
This school year I am extra super busy, as I am now director of our shiny new planetarium (in addition to my full-time teaching load)! I needed a second job about as much as I needed a hole in the head, but it's just so pretty and I can't believe that (a) we have it and (b) they let me play with it!
Ooh, director of the planetarium sounds fun!
I feel like nothing is excitingly different in my life? My roommate moved out, but all her stuff is still here and I don't have a new person yet. I will miss her. My job is the same, though I'm going to Iowa more and LA less (even though I've been there three times this month, it's still less). I'm still single. Uh...I can sew better than last year? I'm maybe a little better at some of the dancing I do, but not especially so? I"ve done several more 5ks than I had last year, though fewer throughout the year?
That's pretty awesome, Una!
That is exceptionally cool, Una!
How cool, Una.
We don't seem to have announced the opening of this thread. Could we extend it two weeks and announce it in Press?
Nilly, those are adorable babies you've got there.
That's very cool, Una!
Hi lurkers, hiiiiiiii.
I should have mentioned that if you're ever in the vicinity of Washington State, you should totally come see me and my planetarium!
Very nifty, Una!
I'm sorry we didn't get to see the new planetarium (and you) before we moved, Una. Life got kind of crazy for several months.