(Oh, right--I have the same job, which I alternately hate and adore. Since it's the first time I've adored a job, it does count as a win, but it is exhausting, even when I am in adore mode)
Delurking 1: Because we don't always check our e-mail.
Hi, friends! I am much more lurky these days, but do check in and think of y'all often. I'm in the same job, same condo, still married to my lovely wife. Shane turns 3 on Dec 21! Biggest news this year is that we are expecting another baby! Another boy, due May 4. Exciting and scary all at once.
Want to get this in under the wire, because I'm not only a lurker, but world-class procrastinator, as well. I was living in El Cerrito, but am now in Berkeley, living with family. I still don't have a full-time job, but am doing some temp. part-time work for a social policy research company. It's interesting. Still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up here.
I still think it's such a wonderfull thing that this community exists. Wish I had more time to participate.
I feel like I am around a lot, but I don't think I post that much...
Still doing the same old thing. In my house that I love. With my cats who are more neurotic than me.
I'm currently suffering through the world's slowest mid-life crisis. Inertia is my nemesis. I really need a new job, and on the bad days a new everything else. Currently harbouring fantasies of selling my house, running away to Paris, and becoming a blogger. (Blogger is the new circus.)
Hi. I'm another long time lurker getting in just in time. I'm still in Boston, still have the four cats, and still at the same job. And still telling myself that I will starting posting any day now. So I'm around.
And still without much to say apparently.
I hope everyone is having a happy Halloween.
I'm lurking these days, but I'm around. It's been a rough year, for reasons I'll elucidate in Good Riddance, when it opens.
My best wishes are with all of you, as always.
I join the procrastinator-y, just-under-the-wire gang!
I don't feel like a lurker since I'm here most days. But given how crazed work has been, I don't generally have the time to actually post much, so I guess I kinda am.
I'm still in San Diego, still in the same job, contemplating going back to school for a Master's (but haven't actually made a move yet beyond printing a few things from the school's website), trying to get back into community theatre (with disappointing results so far, but I will persevere! Or at least try a bit more before giving up again...), been struggling with a bit of very low-grade depression lately (more hermit-y than sad) but I have hopes of being back on the upswing soon. Still have 2 cats, but we mostly just tolerate one another (they're rescues that came with extra attitude) - I'm waiting on Kismet to bring another cat as awesome as the one I lost (Domino) into my life.
I occasionally manage to participate in a conversation in some of the TV threads or Literary, and I always read Bitches, though rarely in a timely enough manner to participate, unfortunately. Anybody ever wants to reach me, profile addy is good.
I continue to be ever so fond of all of you, and thankful to have my friends in the glowy box (well, flat rectangle these days) as part of my life. Mwah!
waves at all the lurkers
Come play more often!
Fern! Maggie! Hi!
Glad to see your pixels, Karl.
Quasi-lurker here, delurking.
Only real change for me since last year is my job. I'm still working for the same employer, but in a different lab, in a different building. I'm about 10 years older than my new boss, and this is her first time heading a lab. It's been interesting, and will probably continue to be so for a while.
Otherwise, same DH, same cats, same house.