Delurking 1: Because we don't always check our e-mail.
Right under the wire. Hello, lurkers. Stop lurking. Or don't, you know, we're easy here. Given that I'm around mainly in Reality TV and Premium when I'm around at all these days, I may qualify for semi-lurker status myself.
I worked way too much this year. The hard work led to a promotion, more money and more minions, which is a good thing. It also led to less life, which is a not so good thing. I'm hoping to find some balance between the work thing and the life thing this year. We'll see how that goes. I started dating again really for the first time since my divorce and that was weird but I'm kind of remembering that I used to like boy type people so that is nifty. I missed my virtual Buffistas but I got to see some Buffistas live and in person this year so it balanced out. I guess I'll save the rest for Goodbye and Good Riddance.
Man, I love this thread. It's been so great to catch up a bit with some beloved folks. Karl, it's fantastic to see your pixels around these parts again, and Deena, my thoughts are with you. javachik, I am so thrilled for you that you're finally back in your house! And kat, good luck with the dating -- I hope it's more fun than frustrating.
The big change in my life this year is that, after M and I finally went on our honeymoon in July, I got pregnant! I'm at 15 weeks and feeling pretty good. Also starting to show a bit, which is exciting. I bought my first pair of maternity pants yesterday, and now I don't know why I waited so long (except for how I loathe shopping for clothes). They're so comfy!
Hello! I've been reduced to intermittant lurking (with periodic skipping and skimming). My big news is that I'm halfway through cataract surgery - right eye is done, left eye scheduled for next Monday. It's left me unable to read well (oh, the horror!) BUT! when done, I'll be able to go without glasses at least some of the time, if not most. So I guess it's a good thing.
Other than that, my job continues to be hell, haven't been able to clean my apartment (yes, it's a good excuse), I'm freezing (no heat over the weekend and now none at work). So glad to have the Buffistas.
Getting in under the wire, I think I missed last year's de-lurk-a-polooza.
I don't seem to have time to lurk much here, except Beep Me & Press. Sending ~ma to all who need it.
I'm still in El Cerrito (Hi, ehab), although, unlike Emmett, I don't go the the El Cerrito Plaza every day. Work situation is still bad, at part-time, and haven't found another job yet. I keep busy with a lot of political work.
My brother graduated San Francisco State University with a BA in history in May at the age of FIFTY!!! Very proud of him - he's a year younger than me, and about eight years ago, had serious health problems and came very close to dying.
Nothing much has changed in the last two years for me, but hanging on. I can't afford cable or other pay TV, so I don't see much these days.
Good to hear about those who are doing well, and vibing for those who need it. Back to lurking.
Good to see you, Karl and Fern!
GOOD on your brother, Fern! That's great!
I am also squeaking in under the wire. I've been planning to de-lurk here all month, and it's perfectly in keeping with my personality that I wait until the very last day.
Hi, all. I'm Jean. I was a fairly regular poster many years ago, but I could never keep up. I lurk in Natter, Bitches, Literary, and Non-Fiction when the subject is SYTYCD or The Sing-Off. It would feel really weird to de-lurk in one of those threads, because, well, it's weird to eavesdrop on other people's conversations, so I'm grateful for the opportunity to drop the veil in this thread.
I live in Minneapolis with my cats, Leo and Matilda. Two years ago I quit my job to go back to school full-time (studying music), but couldn't afford to keep going, so now I'm just plain old unemployed. Except for the whole lack-of-money thing, it hasn't been a bad experience -- I've had time to volunteer at my church, help out friends, take morning walks, and do a lot of thinking (probably too much). But at this point I'm really tired of unstructured time. I'm also starting to feel really boring because I can't afford to do anything.
I really admire the support you all give to each other, and I'm going to try to actually participate in the conversations from now on rather than just sit on the sidelines. It's not like I don't have time ...
Oh! And for you SYTYCD fans, I actually won tickets to the touring show a couple of weeks ago, and it was awesome. So much fun!
Jean, feel free to delurk in Non-fiction! We couldn't care less!
Oh! And for you SYTYCD fans, I actually won tickets to the touring show a couple of weeks ago, and it was awesome. So much fun!
JEALOUS! You should totally de-lurk in Nonfiction--threads that go more slowly or that you can easily skim the bits you don't do (like if you don't watch Amazing Race) are perfect for that!
Never worry about being perceived as a stalker. You just have to jump in at some point, like playing double dutch.