*I* vote Oregon. I miss Eugene so damn much...
Delurking 1: Because we don't always check our e-mail.
Glam, the Triangle area of NC has several Buffistas, including me. (Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill) We have several top notch universities and a nice biotech sector. Go NC! Choose NC!
And my brother and his family live there so I am likely to visit!
I vote Mass as it's pretty much the only place I ever visit!
I'm very much a lurker these days - I pop in every now and then to skim and skim a bit. But! I'm meeting up for dinner with sj and her DH tomorrow, so I don't think my Buffista card can be revoked just yet.
I'm still working for the same company in London, still married to the same chap (5 years next week - hilarious), still have two cats. We moved house a few weeks ago to a much nicer bit of London though, so I'm enjoying that.
I love the delurking thread.
Jars is awesome (so is Jars DH) and totally keeps her Buffista card.
Hi lurkers!
I'm Sox, still in Philly, a year into a project I've wanted to take on my entire life. I'll let you know when I can call it a career. We are down one dog, up 3 Harry Potter books and a Gryffindor robe. The past year was filled with change and worry and also some amazing travel and we got to meet Amy, Matlda, JZ, Hec, Consuela, Megan Walker, smish the lovely Javachik, see Sparky lots, and continue convincing my kid & Raq's kid that they're related.
I'm usually in Natter, Bitches, literary, GWW, and I lurk Boxed Set.
Jars is awesome (so is Jars DH) and totally keeps her Buffista card.
Agreed. And so happy that sj and TCH are going to meet up with them.
Oh, you'd know if your Buffista card got revoked....
Hi lurkers!
We moved house a few weeks ago to a much nicer bit of London though, so I'm enjoying that.
Ooh, where are you now?
I'm meeting up for dinner with sj and her DH tomorrow, so I don't think my Buffista card can be revoked just yet.
Yay! Don't get Indian food. What the hell.
Jars! I might be contacted you next spring, since I'm planning on going to Britain in July (early in the month, so I can get out before the Olympics begin).
Aw, thanks guys. Your cheques are in the post.
Ooh, where are you now?
We're in Greenwich! Well, east Greenwich, but still only a ten minute walk from the museums and the park.
Yay! Don't get Indian food. What the hell.
Ha! No, we're going to The George, the oldest galleried inn in London! Which is recently refurbished so could be good, cold be awful. It'll be an exciting adventure.
Kathy, I'm very excited baout Buffista visits! But yeah, definitely avoid the Olympics. I'm trying to organise getting the hell out of Dodge next year too. The three-day eventing, and I think some of the other equestrian stuff, is in Greenwich. Better than where we used to live though, where you could see the main stadium from our tube stop.
Kathy, I'm very excited baout Buffista visits!
Yay!! I love meeting Buffistas in other places. My mom's going to be coming along, so it'll be fun to introduce her to her first Buffista-not-me.
I'm planning on 6 days in London (including a day trip to Bath), 2 in York, 1 for Hadrian's Wall, 2 in Edinburgh, 1-2 days driving through the Highlands, and then 2 days in the Orkney Islands, then flying back to London from Inverness and then home to the States.