t tap tap
"is this on?"
t tap tap
"is this on?"
It seems to be.
Hi, lurkers! Come on out!
I just spent a good fifteen minutes looking at the map. You guys are on there! Come on in and say hi.
OK, I am cracked up that I opened this thread and it was ita saying she's unemployed and Omnis saying he lives in Texas! How things change...
Um, not that much of anything has changed for me in the last year. I live in the same place. I have a new roommate as of a couple weeks ago. I have the same job. ...I feel boring.
Hello! I feel like a lurker now, but that has not always been the case. Crazy how life changes. I miss this place, though, and hope to be around more.
I'm still in Massachusetts, currently unemployed, but getting married. So, it works out. My goober, Toto just turned 13 and was diagnosed with diabetes. Life is never boring.
yay, vw! congrats!
DELURKING IS STRESSFUL. But I better do it now, before the Giant Pile of Labs Needing Grading eats me again and October is gone (kinda like what happened last year).
I am still teaching biology at a community college in southern Washington state (and mostly loving it beyond the ongoing Dept. vs. Admin. workload shenanigans). Only news to report, really, is that I bought a HOUSE this summer. It's in an adorable neighborhood with a slightly-expensive-but-hopefully-worth-it-HOA and so far completely awesome neighbors. A bit farther from work but still within biking distance, and super close to the river bike path!
Oh, and I rode my bicycle 65 miles last weekend in a Cystic Fibrosis Research fundraiser, and it was actually pretty awesome, so I'll probably do that again.
Firefly: still miss it; Castle: Nathan Fillion should marry me; Semicolons: still awesome.
Salaam, cats and kittens. I'm Joe Crow, lurker ordinaire. Been on the b.org since 2003. I have vague memories of previous Buffista incarnations, but I've been lurking in so damn many web communities since I got online in '96 that it's difficult to keep them all straight.
Basic bio stuff: married, one kid, one remarkably sullen cat. Live in northern Mass, just on the border of NH. Currently finishing up an Illustration degree, after kiting off finishing a History degree. This is totally not a dodge to keep from paying off my student loans, I swear. Working 3rd shift convenience store gig, which seems to pretty much be my natural state.
I'm mostly lurking in Gaming, Boxed Set, Procedurals, Cable Drama, and Great Write Way.
Hiya, JoeCrow!
HI, Joe! I think I can recall you posting occasionally in Great Write. Glad to hear things are going well.
Good luck with your new house, Una! That sounds very exciting.
I'm glad to say my life is pretty much the same as last year. This is good because it means I have a job with benefits, despite the fact our governor has tried to strip us of as many of them as possible.
Oh yummy, I forgot how much fun it is to catch up on the delurking thread.
Yay vw! I know I said it before but it bears repeating: great news!
Nice to see you again, Una. Glad to hear things are good.
Hi JoeCrow, good to meet you.
And meara, I wouldn't call that boring, I'd call it stable. Isn't stable good when it means a job and a nice house in a great city?