Whew, found my intro post from last year, which is remarkably still accurate just scratch the "married" and replace with "widowed".
It is such a treat to see the lurkers delurking and the updates of non-lurkers and lurkers-that-were! I ♥ us.
'Just Rewards (2)'
Whew, found my intro post from last year, which is remarkably still accurate just scratch the "married" and replace with "widowed".
It is such a treat to see the lurkers delurking and the updates of non-lurkers and lurkers-that-were! I ♥ us.
eta See?! It won't work for me! It hates me.
eata ♥
Well hell, why is it plural when it only makes one?
eta ♠
Yup, suits of cards.
Heh. Not much different from my post, except now I'm ONLY caught up in the SPN and FF threads.
And my kid is now 5.5. And I'm a landlord. And... stuff.
Yeah. My life is dull.
t hugs -t
I've thought about you a lot this fall.
t hugs Pix
And I you, sweetie. I think a lot more than I type, alas.
My life hasn't changed much since my intro post except for falling back into Supernatural love, and thus spending a fair bit of time in that thread. It's all Misha's fault.