Bureaucracy works.
Delurking 1: Because we don't always check our e-mail.
vrooooom is my delightful and awesome cousin.
Oh, duh. I didn't connect the board name right away. Waves to vrooooom from CO.
I remember vrooooooom also! (Er, mainly because of the name. Hi!!)
I am loving hearing from lurkers. I think it's great that people have a positive experience here, even when the pace might preclude jumping in. (But you totally should, if you want.)
Hi, vroomvroom!
Hi, lwadams!
Hello, vroomvroom and lwadams!
Howdy vroomvroom and lwadams!
I knitted once. Made a kick ass, two color scarf for my mother. I tried to make another for me. Forgot how to it. Couldn't even do the start without it falling apart. Must find another cute girl to teach me again. Worked the first time.
Hello back to all. Yes, I have the infamous "real" name of our favorite slayer.
Hi Vroom! Hi Lwadams!
I stopped knitting for almost five years, because it was impossible to do with HKF. Making things is a favorite activity, and currently, knitting is my craft drug of choice. Also, you can do it while waiting for people, going to co-op meetings, and watching tv. Sitting still waiting for people, or listening to the same thing get re-hashed again because of one dissent is not a favorite activity.
I suck at teaching how to knit, though. Apparently. According to HKF.
Shir, you should try - it's good fun! Scarves especially. Also, going to meetings and knitting a scarf means you can carry small stake-like objects and use them for good wholesome projects, whilst muttering 'stabby stabby stabby'* inside your head. No one is the wiser. (*only at co-op meetings that go on too long)
Faith? ducks and runs
I watched someone knit once. She offered to teach me and I said, can't I just buy a sweater? I was nine. I have not changed.
Faith? ducks and runs
Loved The Dollhouse, too.