One of us! One of us! One of us!
Delurking 1: Because we don't always check our e-mail.
Hi, Zuiza!
Haha. For sure. What made me remember that I should come back to this board was explaining to someone (who stared at me very confusedly the whole time) how Buffy the Vampire Slayer is my favorite TV show of all time, and they were not amused. So I thought to myself, self, you should get some Buffy-watching friends - and then I remembered that I sort of do!
China, Boston, Cruise-Ship.
I like the cut of your jib. Excellent C.V.
waves at zuisa
You had to come back to the board, zuisa, you have the Harbin connection!
Hi Mala! I'm of the PA*-knitting-geekish faction myself. Nice to meet you! Hi again Zuisa!
Hi Zuisa, nice to see you're back!
I like this thread. It's like at Xmas, when all my old college and HS friends come to town for a visit.
Hi all. I've been doing a bit better about posting for the last few months, but am still generally lurkerish.
So, erm, I'm an archaeologist, have an accidental husband and two cats, live in London. For now. If we ever manage to stay in one place for more than a year I'll be amazed.
I knit things that are a) square or b) rectangular.
I am about 75% sure that I will be working on a cruise ship come January.
Do you know which cruise line you might go to work with? I do a fair amount of work aboard ships and there is a small chance we could cross paths. Currently it looks like I'll be out for around 6-8 weeks scattered between February and July and I'll be on 4 different ships.