Hi lurkers! Hi Holli!
'Hell Bound'
Hi lurkers! Hi Holli!
Yay! New and not-new-but-too-absent people!
Hi, everybody!
I almost feel like a lurker these days, considering that I'm not caught up on many threads and only seem to post about vegetables.
As long as the vegetables you post about aren't us, I don't think anyone will mind, shrift.
Howdy, lurkers! Good to see new faces and semi-new faces! I feel like I'm going to be one soon, myself. I totally understand not being able to keep up in Natter and Bitches, for I am a skippity/skimmer and sometimes downright shunner when life gets busy. I do try to pipe up in some of the show threads, though, for I do love hearing what all my peeps have to say about my favorite shows. It was the Buffy thread that originally drew me here, but it was the people that held me in place once the show was over. If I can't have you guys with me in my living room while I'm watching TV, I can at least have you on my screen.
Hello, lurkers! I sympathise with the difficulty with keeping up with the threads. I can only stay kept up when I'm not working. If I have a job, I always fall behind.
Holli, your blog is lovely. And oooh, Shrinky-Dink charms! What a nifty idea. (Oh G-d, I don't need another craft project. I really don't. Ahahahaha.)
If it helps, it is a very quick craft project-- I did a bracelet's worth of charms in a couple of hours, and used less than a sheet of plastic. And I bet you could make some fantastic bat pendants!
Hey, Holli, lovely to see your electrons here!
::sets out tray of blubber and offers a new pair of mukluks::
ehab, I so totally don't think of you as a lurker, probably because SPN is one of the ONLY threads I'm up to date in at the moment.
Also, ZAR! Howdy again! Pixels!
I'm sort of lurky at the moment. That always shocks me, but there you have it.