And yet another reason to be thankful you found your way here ND!
Delurking 1: Because we don't always check our e-mail.
Amazing post ND. But now I must...go from the sublime to the ridiculous.
Pretty much cats, I guess. But with slim odds that they'll support you in your dotage, which almost never happens with cats. Occasionally, sure you'll get a beneficent, dotage-supporting cat. But they're pretty rare.
No, but most likely, if you drop dead and aren't discovered for a while they will put your remains to good use. Granted, so will dogs given enough time, or so I found out from the X-Files.
Granted, so will dogs given enough time
"Marie Prevost did not look her best / the night cops broke into her lonely nest/ In her cheap hotel down in Hollywood West/ July 29..."
Okay, I admit that cat owners are needy, though. You got me there.
icenay otay akemay ethay urkerslay eelfay ecomeway
Welcome into the light, guys! See? We're not scary!
That's the difference between lurkers and newbies.
The lurkers have seen this before.
Which renders it polite and warm?
yay Maggie !
Your Murphy has the same look I get from Andy cat. Which oddly makes me laugh , instead of feeling shame from his disdain.
That's the difference between lurkers and newbies.
The lurkers have seen this before.
It's true and I'm loving it.
Waves to fellow lurker Maggie!
Helpless lurker giggling.
It is going to be very sad to say goodbye to this thread.
Hi Maggie!