Un-need-ED. Except to open food.
t throwdown And like baseball warms your feet and is so fucking cute.
Un-need-ED. Except to open food.
t throwdown And like baseball warms your feet and is so fucking cute.
Line judge? Can I get an official ruling? Is that an "Oh snap!"?
And like baseball warms your feet and is so fucking cute.
Baseball does frequently chase its tail until it's dizzy, as well as biting itself and then looking for something to blame.
Congratulations, Nicole! (Yes, I'm congratulating the bride. I'm a rebel.) Much happiness to you both.
And Teppy hits it out of the park!
And like baseball warms your feet and is so fucking cute.
Well, it warms the cockles of my heart and is frequently cute.
Baseball, however, I must admit never pees in my shoes or barfs on my floor or sleeps on my head. Baseball is lacking in those virtues. Cats are clearly superior in those instances.
Not so many times in this life can you find someone that uncritically adores you. When you get a cat you can greatly increase the amount of love in your life. Baseball? NSM.
I doubt that cats are uncritical. They have that...mien.
The baseball strike of 1994? Oh, baseball definitely barfed on my floor THEN.
The baseball strike of 1994? Oh, baseball definitely barfed on my floor THEN.
Metaphorical barf v. real barf, you make the call.
ISTG if I have to hear about the MFY one more time I'm getting a divorce. BASEBALL LEADS TO DIVORCE.