Hi Maggie!
Wow, you have a low user ID number for a lurker.
Former lurker, I mean.
Hi Maggie!
Wow, you have a low user ID number for a lurker.
Former lurker, I mean.
Maggie, your moggies are adorable! So nice to see your font here.
All you de-cloaked lurkers know if you relurk, what's going to happen, right?
In the middle of conersations, we're just going to turn and say, "What do you think, Maggie?" Or any of you, really. I've kept a list of names. ::scrolls back. starts list::
You must post kitty tales! Everyone here knows my Loki attacks my ass for farting, for gawdsake!!
Welcome, Maggie and all the other lurkers I've not yet greeted! I've mostly lurked in this thread this month (ironically), but it's been great meeting you.
CONGRATS, Nicole! Have a wonderful to have a Halloween wedding! I hope you have a wonderful time and share lots of pictures.
Welcome Maggie and all your cute kitties! What sweet faces!
Welcome, Maggie! That is some dedicated long time lurking. I'm delighted that you decided to show your font, and your cute family.
Thanks for the warm welcomes and compliments for my "moggies" - love that!
I have lots of kitty tales! Like how Buffy chases her tail ALL the time. She goes around and around in one direction until she's wobbling around, too dizzy to stand. Her solution to the dizziness? She starts chasing it the other direction! She also bites it and then looks around, ready to attack the monster that just bit her. When no monster appears, she goes back to chasing her tail.
I'll try posting in some of the other threads (many of which I read), but breaking the lurking habit might be hard after doing it for so long. So I appreciate the encouragement (and even the threats to call me and the others out!)
Now I must go feed the 2 kittens who are howling for their (late) dinner. They are doing this from inside the kitchen sink. I don't think they quite understand its function yet.
What gorgeous puttytats Maggie. Such glossy coats. I have to say I giggled out loud at Anya's expression in that photo. She's aptly named indeed.
Aw! Very sweet kitties. Welcome, Maggie! And since you've been such a long time lurker, you've won a trip to NATTER!! But wait - there's more... You've also won a bonus trip to BITCHES!! Congratulations!!
C'mon, hang out a while so that Beverly doesn't have to call you out or track you down, m'kay?