I had that father too, Tom. Why are there so many of them? The sad part is that they keep people as awesome as Tom from believing that they're bright, talented and loved.
Early ,'Objects In Space'
Delurking 1: Because we don't always check our e-mail.
::pretends everyone's talking about me::
Tommyrot, there's more than enough awesome generated by all of our Toms. It's an overabundance of awesomeness. You, Scola, and Tom W.
Of course we are, tommy.
::pets tommyrot::
All our Toms are awesome!
I'm going to miss this thread next month.
All our Toms are awesome!
::pets tommyrot::
And Tomash. Who should come back for this.
Shy Toms? We got 'em.
Sweet? Smart? Good lookin'?
Take yer pick. They come in ginger, tall, danny-strongesque, and matinee idol jaw-line.
Yeah, I will miss this thread too. I always loved Goodbye for the same reason and I have to admit it's been diminished somehow by having it open all year. So I'm glad we are closing this thread and we can anticipate it until next year.
Tom Scola is so awesome that even the lesbian thinks he's a good kisser.
Tom Scola is so awesome that even the lesbian thinks he's a good kisser.
::updates files::