Buffista 0 is hiding out in Colombia.
'Our Mrs. Reynolds'
Delurking 1: Because we don't always check our e-mail.
Quick drive-by (I really, really lurk): I too was very surprised to see another Buffista so close to Jo'burg and no, we've never met. I am pleased to see my beloved continent represent though. I wish I had posted whilst I was in Antarctica, but that wasn't permanent... and a story for another day. In Seffrica we pronounce Boucher "Bau-cha".
Welcome, Zar!!
Ooooh, the mysterious sometime Antarctican! Welcome, indeed.
Thanks! I did de-lurk around about the late 300's (I think) but this board shunts like a bullet-train.
It's very streamlined. And pretty.
And they serve drinks!
"All abo-o-o-ord the Snogworts Express! With stops in eve'ry continent, and Buffista Island! Bo-o-o-o-ord!"
billytea, you can update the map from your profile. There's a box for "location." Put in your city and country and you should show up.
billytea, you can update the map from your profile. There's a box for "location." Put in your city and country and you should show up.
No, I've had my location in that box for some time now. I've even tried putting it in a few different formats. No map presence.