That is all.
That is all.
Cilantro: euw
Olives: Yum! So long as they're not the nasty metallic ones.
Muffaletta: I'd probably like.
Serial comma: It has its place.
Two spaces after a period at the end of the sentence: Always and forever yes, because otherwise you sometimes have problems when it looks like Dr. or Mr. etc. is the end of the sentence.
I just threadsucked and marathon-read this thread and my eyes are kinda glazing over from all the awesome. Cool lurkers delurking! And learning new things about old-timers! Wait, "old-timers" sounds bad. Veterans? The historically chatty? Ye Olde Denizens?
Anyway, I haven't posted in eons so I qualify as a semi-lurker, I think. I'm Vonnie, and I joined some time in World Crossing days -- jeez, was that like 6-7 years ago? -- after being talked into coming here by, um, I think Consuela. Or possibly Micole. Could have been Dana. Memory's fuzzy and I ain't getting any younger. I'm 39, single, an ex-pat Canadian living in Pittsburgh nowadays (*am STOKED to see there are more Pittsburghers on board* WOOT!) and I wish I watched TV professionally but sadly I am enslaved to a rewarding yet life-sucking job with crazy hours. When I have time to post, I natter on usually in Box Set or Movies.
I love cilantro, except I'd called it coriander for yonks while I was living in Canada and had a hard time switching over afterward (well, I know coriander usually refers to the whole plant / seeds and cilantro is mostly the leaves, but whatever it is called, it is the herb and spice of the Gods and y'all naysayers with the anti-cilantro centers in the brain are sadly deprived.) Olives should be only consumed in emulsified form. While I have never tasted muffaletta, I am highly dubious given its supposedly olive-tastic content. I have no opinion on cereal serial comma as my grammar is atrocious. And "Z" should be pronounced "zed", not "zee"! ZED! (Oh, wait. That was that beer commercial.)
I haven't seen Local Hero, but I certainly agree with the fabulousness of I Know Where I'm Going. But, then, I'm a big Powell/Pressburger fan.
Powell/Pressburger! I am downright evangelistic about those two! I Know Where I'm Going is as fabulous as Megan said. But so are all of their films together. My personal favourite of theirs is A Matter of Life and Death. I had such terrible schoolgirl crush on Roger Livesey back in the day. *sigh*
Hello, Vonnie!
And "Z" should be pronounced "zed", not "zee"!
There is no "d" in there. I'm just sayin'.
Mmm, Roger Livesy. [link]
There is no "d" in there. I'm just sayin'.
There's no double-e either.
Hi Vonnie.
And "Z" should be pronounced "zed", not "zee"! ZED!
Well if we're going down that road, "foyer" is "foy-ay" not "foyerrrr", and "niche" is "neesh" not "nitch".
Wow, it really is old home week here...
Well if we're going down that road, "foyer" is "foy-ay" not "foyerrrr", and "niche" is "neesh" not "nitch".
That's just correct though, right?