For a second, I thought that was an acronym.
For a second, I thought that was an acronym.
For a second, I thought that was an acronym.
Yeah, I was trying to puzzle it out for a moment, too.
I'm not really a fan of gauchos or cropped pants on myself, but they don't bother me on others. I just spent too much time wearing pants that weren't quite long enough as a teenager, and I'd probably spend all my time trying to tug the gaucho/cropped pants down to meet the top of my foot. That way lies hammer pants.
Hi Buffistas!!! I don't really qualify as a lurker since I rarely even read anymore, but Sumiko continues to keep me apprised of all the biggest happenings in your lives via email. I really couldn't tell you when I originally delurked, but it was sometime back in the Salon days I think. Nilly could probably tell us! :) I was present at the first F2F in Chicago. I rarely visit these boards anymore, but I do make an effort to do a drive by once or twice a year. Consider this my quota for 2009.
My life, as of now:
-I am unemployed following a layoff in January. It sucked, I'm still bitter.
-I live with my mother. It was only supposed to be for a short time following my divorce, but then the layoffs came, and life happened, and well, its been a year. :(
-I have a wonderful boyfriend from Belgium who I met online in Second Life. Neither of us has been near SL for months, but we continue to spend every possible second together on Skype, and he's been to the US twice to see me and I've been to Belgium once to see him. I think he's a keeper!
-My latest Internet based obsession is World of Warcraft. I play with said boyfriend on the European servers.
-Oh, and did I happen to mention... I'M PREGNANT!!!! :) We hadn't exactly planned it, but we conceived during the boyfriend's last visit here in July. Timing is less than ideal but we are both tremendously excited. We are currently navigating the rocky road of immigration policy, and with a little luck my round little self will be living in Belgium sometime before the baby comes in April.
As always, happy to hear from Buffistas! My email is hdn123 at gmail dot com. Until next time - take care!
CV! You've been busy.
WTF does "smish" mean? It doesn't sound like anything pleasant! But I see many many people posting it as an expression of -- IDK, enthusiasm? -- so I assume it can't mean something like "I CRUSH YOUR HEAD!!!", which is what it "sounds" like to me.
WTF does "smish" mean?
I think it's akin to a snuggle. A snuggle so hard you are smushing the other party.
WTF does "smish" mean?
I think it's akin to a snuggle. A snuggle so hard you are smushing the other party.
Oh, no, that IS scary. Ow.
Or maybe a smish is when you hug someone hard while they're holding a pie.