The inside door handle on the driver's side of my car broke. I'll see when I can bring it to the dealer to be fixed. The car still runs, and I can get out of it by rolling down the window and opening the door from the outside, but that's really annoying.
oh, that happened to me once. Of course, it happened because I locked myself out of the car with the motor running after I'd had an accident, and the police slimjimmed it open and broke it, so I could only be but so upset. Still annoying, though.
It's amazing that what was a death sentence a generation earier is so different now.
I hold up my dear Hubby, who has single-handedly raised the survival rates for cardiac incidents in the whole county, if not the state. God bless you, Drs. Acey, Hwang, and Olsen.
Kathy, heart-ma to your brother. My brother also had a heart attack a few years ago, got a stent and is doing quite well now. (It also influenced his seeking treatment for his alcoholism, which is another silver lining to the experience.)
Holy sheeit. I was looking up eclipse videos and found myself in one. I think the head guide took it: [link] Not expecting THAT. For the record, I'm not the one calling it not spectacular.
Those are my parents at 1:32 fussing over glasses.
Ha - the video is fun.
Ma~~~~ to your brother kathy
already sleepy-stoned. Don't think this butalbital is going to fly. Maybe I'll become a drug dealer.
So has anyone gone through the Burger King drive-through and had an employee ask them to back up before pulling forward?
Burger King Drive-Thru Workers Try To Cheat The Timer System
If an employee of Burger King or other fast-food drive-throughs ever asks you to back up before pulling forward, they're most likely attempting to re-set the timer sensors so it appears you're being served faster.
Juliebird, I have v similar things, but I only got naproxen and some muscle relaxants. Dang! I mean, mine are probably more lifeuseful, but there are definitely tes when I want your drugs...
I'm drooling over the Seattle homes. You guys have a pretty gorgeous city up there.
Dylan and I are hiding out from the 93F weather in the bedroom w/ the AC cranked up. He's watching Green Eggs & Ham on Youtube while I catch up on blogs & Facebook.
The AC is on full blast and is barely making a dent. IT IS TOO HOT.