Speaking of cars, I'm now driving a Chevy Citation instead of a Ford Taurus. The Taurus is having Monday off and driving Hubby around today. A friend of ours bought a minivan to hold his growing children and found himself with more cars than allowable parking spaces, so he said, "I owe you some money, don't I? Would you like a car?"
He's the guy we got the Taurus from. He runs cars hard, but he'll do big repairs like axles etc. The Citation sucks power steering fluid like an alcoholic, but that's a matter of replacing some hoses. Friend didn't want to bother, but Hubby says, "That's two hours work, sure, we could use a second car."
It feels overly-decadent to have two (18-year-old) cars, and I keep thinking the universe is going to smack me for it. But then I think of the usefulness of having a backup, plus Hubby has something he can get to the doctor in so he doesn't have to schlep our lousy bus system. What I want for Christmas is a decent sense of self-worth.
The coolest thing about the Chevy Citation? The radio is vertical!
Far out, man....
I don't itemize; any "tax deduction" will be wasted on me.
The bluebook value of the car will be eaten by all the repairs that have to be done (e.g. the a/c system doesn't work, at all - the last quote I had for it was $2400 And that's just one of the things wrong that I've learned to endure).
I just got the estimate - $975. I told them no, just replace the battery so I can start the car and drive it a couple blocks.
I'll have it towed somewhere I can mothball it until I figure out something to do with it.
I'll miss EEEgor. He drove me to SF and back...very, very fast.
I am drinking a cafe fauxcha in an actual coffee mug! A Dunder Mifflin coffee mug, at that. I feel so corporate.
Health-ma to your brother, Kathy. I hope he is okay.
Ooooooh, I need a Dunder Mifflin mug. It would make a nice pairing with my Bluth's Bananas mug!
Thanks. So do I! I'm waiting to hear back from my mom, who promised to call me with any updates.
Work is getting done rather slowly today, but I'd rather be here than at home worrying.
Health ~ma for your brother, Kathy. Having something like that happen is bad enough-- to have it happen when you're away from home... ugh.
My god, Kathy -- I hope everything works out OK.
My thoughts with you and your family Kathy - I hope he recovers quickly.