When we went to the San Diego Wild Animal Park, I was making jokes about all the hoofed herbivores. There were goats and antilopes, and words cannot express how thrilled I was to find that there is, indeed, a transitional species. I have no idea what the real name of it is, but I call(ed) them Goatalopes.
Thanks for the birthday wishes.
That was a totally valid name, Debet.
Happy Birthday!
I just finished that.
Is it good? Because it sounds like something I want to read so I can actually rattle off arguments for evolution like a good little science geek.
And here's one more wish, DebetEsse! Happy Birthday!
What about the Toilet-seat-butt antelopes? I think that one may have irritated BillyTea.
Hey, you evolve an ass that looks like a toilet seat, we're going to call you toilet-seat-butt antelopes. You can't take the snark, evolve different butt marks, buddylope.
DebetEsse, ME is on Dupont Rd., right? Past Lima going East?
I love the takin's nose! It looks like it would talk with a very snuffed up sound.
They made a sound like...a stomach growling, except a little more asthmatically moany. It was very odd.
Munchies is at Broadway and Taylor.
From that intersection, take Lima south and turn right on Taylor.
I kid y'all not.
while out today...
a pigeon shit on my head.
I am usually not one for thinking that the messages are sent to us by the universe, but...