No transitional fossils have been or ever will be discovered
There's Tiktaalik [link] for one. (Serendipitously, I was just reading about it.) We've discovered fossils of maybe 1% of the all the species that have ever lived.
What I really dislike about this argument is that it implies that god created all those fossils as some kind of giant practical joke.
Those are some weird fucking animals! And the captions are great.
These dudes escaped from the Phantom Zone and the first thing they want are our ligers!!
What I really dislike about this argument is that it implies that god created all those fossils as some kind of giant practical joke.
Though I prefer that theory to "test of faith". The Almighty being a wise-ass could be cool, but trying to trip us up is just mean.
I'm particularly fond of this sentence, however:
Have you heard of the ‘Loch Ness Monster’ in Scotland? ‘Nessie,’ for short has been recorded on sonar from a small submarine, described by eyewitnesses, and photographed by others. Nessie appears to be a plesiosaur.
Hey! Everyone knows there's a Lock Ness Monster, right? That's just accepted FACT.
My mil and sil found three complete Lego sets (Harrry Potter, Dubledore's office, a soccer field with all the players and Lego board game) at thrift stores for $16. The cost of these sets new? Over $500. Score!
I'm reading Why Evolution is True and it explains the transitional fossils. The stupid it burns!
They didn't include the takin: [link] [link] just can't figure out what they are supposed to be? Goat? Buffalo? Yak? What? [link]
There are so many animals in the world!
I have to ask, wtf is up with advertising space being sold on streaming sites, bundled with the not legally uploaded video?