Amy - they treated on Thursday, but it wasn't what I would call a great treatment. They come back next week to inspect. I can almost guarantee that where they are going to look, they are not going to find any evidence. So they will declare the place clear. I will then call if/when I see another and I will try to convince my co-op that what they need to do is have a different company treat. I may have to pay someone myself.
it's all here:
Oh, I forgot about the blog. Thank you!
I just can't imagine the kind of patience it's taking to get through all this, and if anyone deserves a spa day and a big drink and someone to take care of *you* for a while, it's you.
I have vodka and S3 Deadwood tonight, and it's helping me care a little less how very fucking hot it is in this house.
msbelle, can you give me a link to the heat-treatment thing?
Here is the page that has all the affiliate links so that get some money. I found a local retailer for the PackTite so I bought it from them in order to get it faster.
Here is the page that has all the affiliate links so that get some money.
Oh cool. Thanks.
I haven't posted about my bedbug situation in a while. My current theory is that after I called my landlord's bluff on the "we're gonna take you to court and evict you" thing, they just decided to ignore me until I go away - i.e. they haven't talked to me or done any treatment since May. (My lease will be up at the end of Sept. so I'll be out then, if not sooner.) Maybe they figure they'll treat the bugs in my apartment once I'm gone.
Jesus, msbelle, that's quite the horrific saga. I missed most of it while away.
tommy are you getting bit or seeing bugs? I am pretty sure landlords HAVE to treat.
sara - it really really is and I'm only at 3 weeks. The isolation devices for my furniture will mostly likely stay on for 2 years after I feel that we are clear. The mattress encasements are NEVER coming off except to be cleaned. I haven't started tossing stuff, but that is surely next. The clothes that I had treated that I thought I would ebay, I am just donating all of those now, I want them gone and to get that space back. Donating things sealed up in ziploc bags is kinda humorous.
tommy are you getting bit or seeing bugs?
I am pretty sure landlords HAVE to treat.
I've been avoiding talking to them (after all the harsh words were exchanged). But yeah, I should tell them to come and do more treatment.
a spray bottle of 91% alcohol, any mattress encasements, and isolators on the legs of the bed - those are the top three things I would do to stop the bites.
Where do you find 90% alcohol? So far I've only seen 70%.