It makes me weep to read about housing prices in other states. Sigh.
Speaking of housing prices, the place next door to us is for sale. I want to know the asking price, but I'm not sure where it'd be listed. I am also a bit afraid that someone will buy it and tear it down and I'll be living next door to a construction site for a year.
I don't suppose there are any localistas who are looking to buy?
Researching the Seattle housing market is like untangling a web. The idea of zero lot lines is still a new concept to me, so I have a hard time reconciling prices with the types of houses and trying to figure out the differences between neighborhoods and townships.
I've never heard the word "township" applied in Seattle. Could that be realty-industry-specific?
Burrell, try or just and put in the address.
Cashmere - is owen wearing size 6 tops?
How much do you tip delivery people? My order is $14.35 and usually I go o the nearest 5 or ten, but 15 is obviously too low and 20 seems high!
Sad news at Two Lumps: the cat who is the inspiration for Snooch died this week.
Awww, poor kitty. I will pet my Snooch-like cat Toke in his honor.
I believe I want this shirt.
That is an excellent shirt.
Sophia, I'd go $17 or $18.