Many of those dating tips are so good! Some of them are unnecessary.
Somewhat relatedly, a coworker who has me pegged as a nerd asked me the other day what TV show used some Echo and the Bunnymen cover (cover by them, not of them, but now I forget what song) as its theme or something, and I totally let her down by having no idea.
"She wants her America back? Tell that to the Indians!"
Beats my reaction. Which was, "She wants her America back? Where's her title deed?"
My reaction is, "Isn't the America of seven months ago a lot like the America now? I mean aside the fact that people are talking about the 'recession' now instead of the 'next great depression'."
Cute/Ridiculous Animal Thing Of The Day: Cat Plays Peek-A-Boo (VIDEO)
This cat is an excellent peek-a-boo player, so much so that we're pretty sure he could kick any baby's ass if he tried. Take that, babies.
Tracking Down the Place Where We Lost John Hughes
This piqued my interest:
At 8:55, 9-1-1 operators received a call from one of the witnesses, who summoned medics to the building. Hughes was unconscious when they arrived 15 minutes later. Hughes was raced to Roosevelt Hospital, where he was later pronounced dead.
I don't know Manhattan - is a 15 minute response time for paramedics normal? Excessive?
It doesn't sound that surprising in midtown during morning rush hour -- everything is gridlock, and no one would move for an ambulance.
I'm not sure how well you COULD move for an ambulance.
I'm always anxious when I hear one when I'm driving in the city... because of the canyons I can't really tell what direction its coming from until I see it. My sister and I have joked for years that if we felt The Big One coming we'd get on the ferry to Jersey.
Somewhat relatedly, a coworker who has me pegged as a nerd asked me the other day what TV show used some Echo and the Bunnymen cover (cover by them, not of them, but now I forget what song) as its theme or something, and I totally let her down by having no idea.
Is she thinking of
which uses a cover of The Smiths?
Didn't some show use E&tB's cover of "People are Strange"?
Remember ages ago (this morning?) when we all laughed at the squirrel who poked his head into a photo a couple was taking of themselves?
Scene-stealing squirrel: the cheeky critter throughout history