Sean, I can only imagine. I was reading the op ed by the libertarian asshat who owns Whole Foods and spitting nails.
I had been thinking about shopping at Whole Foods occasionally, but after that piece, I will not shop there as long as that man, or anybody like him, is in charge there.
I was reading the op ed by the libertarian asshat who owns Whole Foods and spitting nails.
Is that the same guy who got in a bit of trouble about a year ago for creating sock puppets to go online and talk up Whole Foods stock?
"Employee eats all the good cookies" is a perfectly legitimate work gripe.
Anybody who is against health care reform in this country needs to report to me so I can stab them with a rusty pen.
I suspect many are the same people who think that there's poverty and homelessness solely because of laziness. These are people who've managed to miss having the wheel spin and point at them. Their children are healthy, they've never had an accident and they've never been laid off. They were, as the saying goes, born on third base and thought they hit a triple.
Is that the same guy who got in a bit of trouble about a year ago for creating sock puppets to go online and talk up Whole Foods stock
What he actually did was use sock puppets to talk down the value of the Wild Oats Co-Op's stock, so Whole Foods could take it over more cheaply.
I think so.
It fits anyway.
I think I am going to have my students write on health care reform for their research papers. I did it last fall with the election, had students write research papers on issues taken from the election. My stipulation was they had to be research, not polemics. It went really well.
My mother is pretty wary of health care reform, but it's not because she thinks that it's not needed, but because nothing has yet convinced her that it'll make anything better. She says that every time there's been something done to fix health care, it's just made things worse. Also, she's definitely wary of any kind of change, because change in the system will mean change in which of her medicines and doctors and procedures get paid for, and pretty much every time her insurance coverage has changed, there's been something that was suddenly way too expensive, and the supposedly equivalent replacement ended up reacting with one of her other meds, and started a chain reaction where switching that one med ended up with having to change ten others.
What he actually did was use sock puppets to talk down the value of the Wild Oats Co-Op's stock, so Whole Foods could take it over more cheaply.
Oh yeah! I remembered it having something to do with trying to take over Wild Oats.
What he actually did was use sock puppets to talk down the value of the Wild Oats Co-Op's stock, so Whole Foods could take it over more cheaply.
Wow. That's both evil and brilliant.
What he actually did was use sock puppets to talk down the value of the Wild Oats Co-Op's stock, so Whole Foods could take it over more cheaply.
Also the same guy who's been a well-known union-buster for a good 20 years. Employees are happier with high-fives, stagnant wages, and being "persuaded" to downgrade their health benefits, dontchaknow.