Fer crying out loud.
Dear distributors, the reason we had a special order window that was open for 6 freaking weeks was so that you could put your order in during those 6 weeks. Not two days after the window closes. And your excuses just sound stupid so please stop making shit up. Thx and suck it.
My nephew loves board games. I didn't have to go easy on him for this to happen.
Gleeeee! That clothing company I sent email to about
"hey, you should give me clothes from the new line that looks like you designed it expressly for me"
said they're interested in working with me! No word on what yet, but hey, it's a start!
This kind of makes up for the fact that tomorrow is my last day on this job.
I play more Wordscraper, but am always up for a game.
This kind of makes up for the fact that tomorrow is my last day on this job.
But the first step towards becoming an artist of such fabulosity that you are supported by the community at large.
It worked for those guys in the Renaissance.
Patronage, that's the word.
Nice, Jilli! I hope that works out.
But the first step towards becoming an artist of such fabulosity that you are supported by the community at large.
I hope. That would be ideal. In fact, I'm going to use some of my time off to start writing more reviews on GCS. More content, more traffic, more ... people giving me things? Maybe?
Crap! I wish I'd been around more yesterday! It's been a while, but I'll try to see what I can dig up. Has he been in contact with the bank? Is there a local housing counseling agency he can contact? Off the top of my head that's all I can think of, but will dig out my manuals when I get home if I still have 'em.