The universities here still take cheques (although not credit cards, as of this year).
What a cutie, sucking his thumb(s) like that!
It was initially a problem nursing, as he would stuff his fist in his mouth instead of latching on. However, he caught on quite rapidly and seems to know which one to go for when offered the choice between his fist and a nipple.
We were so bored in the summers growing up that Nutty and I taught ourselves to play canasta, which is a total old-lady card game.
Oh, I did that with a high school friend one summer! We came across the rules in Hoyle or some such and decided to start playing. 'Twas pretty fun, as I recall, though I would have to start from scratch to learn how to play again, now.
I would totally play online canasta with you people!!!
I really miss playing games.
Yeah, they were also charging an extra fee for credit card payments and obviously preferred online checks instead.
I learned to play euchre and bridge in college. Made for a lot of dirty-monded puns, somehow.
Cutie-pie Simon!
msbelle, I do miss games with you (except for Balderdash, where we had gotten to the point that we could spot everyone's definition habits).
I was just telling people the other day how we mistakingly let you and your brother pair up for Taboo and how we were crushed because you could give clues like "What you gave grandma for Christmas last year" etc.
The sibling mind-meld in games like that is nearly unstoppable. My sister and I crushed at Pictionary, because she'd make a squibble, and I totally knew what she was thinking.
Edit: spousal mind-melds are much rarer, in my experience. Hence the argument between mr. flea and me about whether his supposed drawing of a ham actually looked more like a can of coke.
The sibling mind-meld in games like that is nearly unstoppable. My sister and I crushed at Pictionary, because she'd make a squibble, and I totally knew what she was thinking.
No one will let my brother and I be on the same Pictionary team. Ever.
I got that Pictionary mind-meld with my cousin one year, to everyone else's dismay.
Playing Catchphrase with my BiL and sister is like that.
Sister: Hottest branch of the military?
BiL: The Marines!
That one had us cracking up for HOURS.