Someone here remind me that he's almost certainly just being friendly to a regular who tipped very well on his first day if I start picking out china patterns, okay?
Maybe instead of china patterns, you could (after another visit or so), casually ask if he wants to see a movie, or get some coffee?
I don't know... I mean, even if this wasn't the South, I'm not sure I'd be comfortable asking someone out at his place of work, when I'm going to be going there regularly afterwards regardless.
There's also at least a substantial chance that he was born after I graduated from high school.
Heh. Don't try doing the math. Really.
Oh & happy birthday, Aimee!
I think I might have got more sun than I intended. I thought I was mostly in the shade, but it is feeling like not now.
The ellipses thing... is exactly... how... Barbara Cartland... wrote romance dialogue....
Thanks for the birthday wishes!! It's been a great day. Fabulous weekend with my Ya-Ya's, a jump in the lake wearing my nightgown, and waking up with a chick! Now, I have pasta and cake!! WHEEE!!
Hooray, Aims!
I just tried to watch Waking Life. Why did no one warn me about the mind numbing? It's not even pleasant mind numbing.
So I just got this book...
I am currently feeling pleased with myself for counter-offering my friend who always suggests inconvenient places to meet up. The place looks great, sure, but still. I do not need to be that far from the subway on a Monday night!
Yeah. I cried like a jackass. You guys. I've no words...