We went there enough as kids that the cemetary itself is a very comforting, homey place for me.
Nice. There was a graveyard I played in when I was growing up in Oregon. There were lots of apple trees there and we'd climb up and eat apples in the branches. That's all I want. To be in somebody's apple.
As it happened - and I have no idea how it happened - they had one plot available. Next to her parents.
That's wonderful. I do like the idea of everyone all together.
I like cemetaries, I like reading headstones.
There was a really old one in the PA town where we used to live, and I loved walking in there -- stones dating back to the early 1800s.
HA! I don't think anyone wants my organs.
Between diabetes and smoking, I bet my organs aren't real attractive either, sadly.
You can donate all kinds of shit -- even tendons. There's usually something donate-able on most people. (My best friend has worked for organ donation centers for about 10 years, so I learned all kinds of nifty stuff about organ donation.)
I just want to donate whatever is useable/needed, and then cremate me and be done with it. I also don't want family members to feel obligated to keep my ashes in an urn/coffee can on the mantel/toilet tank. If they want to mix my ashes in with the rosebed mulch, then right on.
Although part of me wants to stipulate in my will that my remains be made into a LifeGem, and my heirs cannot claim the estate unless they wear me as some sort of big blingy jewel.
That all hinges on me actually having anything that could be called an "estate" in a non-satirical way, though.
It tickles me that I can go out to Pipestone, MN and find my maternal grandparents' graves. And that someone will walk past them and wonder who they were. If only I could tell them that whenever I do something curiously adventurous, my mother tells me it reminds her of her mother. My love of swimming, water and sailing? My grandmother swam several days a week, despite being a farmwife and teacher in the back beyond. She sailed at Grinnell. I didn't know her long, but according to my aunts and uncle, I remind them a lot of her and that blows my mind. And that's a gift no headstone could pass, but I wish I could. And yet, I see me most in my paternal grandmother, who I did not get along with. It's funny, legacy.
Karl Rove's father: [link]
(It's a nice story actually. There are pics, but you have to click through to them.)
Cash, did you know that Karl Rove's father was very into interesting, um, piercings and did some modeling to that effect?
He was also gay, wasn't he?
Although part of me wants to stipulate in my will that my remains be made into a LifeGem, and my heirs cannot claim the estate unless they wear me as some sort of big blingy jewel.
They could create a giant blingy semi-colon!
Although part of me wants to stipulate in my will that my remains be made into a LifeGem, and my heirs cannot claim the estate unless they wear me as some sort of big blingy jewel.
They could create a giant blingy semi-colon!
Aw, fuck yeah! But I need to amass that "estate" now....
(My best friend has worked for organ donation centers for about 10 years, so I learned all kinds of nifty stuff about organ donation.)
Ooooh. A kid in my class this year did a long paper on organ donation. I was shocked at how long some of the stuff being donated can last, in some instances, years.
I just want to donate whatever is useable/needed, and then cremate me and be done with it. I also don't want family members to feel obligated to keep my ashes in an urn/coffee can on the mantel/toilet tank. If they want to mix my ashes in with the rosebed mulch, then right on.
This is pretty much me. Maybe especially the mixing into the mulch part.
Although part of me wants to stipulate in my will that my remains be made into a LifeGem, and my heirs cannot claim the estate unless they wear me as some sort of big blingy jewel.
Except that this is now also me. DO MY CRAZY TACKY WILL, BITCHES! Possibly the best reason for wealth accumulation at all might be the ability to manipulate from beyond the grave.