Liese, I'm in a very similar situation.
It's very annoying. I mean, technically it's money I would have had to pay eventually, so it's not really a loss. It's just a loss Right Now. And avoidable. I hate stupid stuff that was avoidable.
my actual taxes seem to have risen enough that it may be going up even more.
Fuckity indeed. That sucks.
Things I fear going from a NYC co-op mortgage to a TX house mortgage:
taxes, water bill, trash bill, mineral rights
I like the way my mortgage company handles my taxes; they cut a check jointly to me and the city treasurer. It gets sent to me, I endorse it and take it to city hall where I pay any difference or get a refund on any overage. That way I don't have to worry did the bank pay it or not, etc. Plus, this year I found out I hadn't been getting a lottery credit and got $80 cut off my taxes. Yay!
My feet are cold and I don't feel right.
t /whine
I'd suggest using those books to bash the heads of the people who gave them, except that I seem to recall that
Marley and Me
isn't a very thick book.
No, being a grown up is no fun at all. I just read insurance plans for two days and decided to stick with the one I'm on, mostly because the prescription coverage will work out better and there's no lifetime limit. (Crosses fingers that eliminating lifetime limits survives in the health care bill.)
My feet are cold and I don't feel right.
Me, too, except substitute "hands" for "feet". It feels like the building management decided to shut the heat down a little early today.
Great. Internet seems to be freaking out again.
I did not cry. I suspect my heart is three sizes too small today.
I did not cry either. I'm glad though, it is Jilli approved and I too thought it was a perfect story.
I'm patting myself on the back for remembering to write my rent check. I got really used to getting a bill each month, and even then I generally paid after the 1st. Now I just have to mail it.
If I had to mail my rent cheque I'd either get evicted or have to grow up. I think I'd have to do it electronically through my bank or it wouldn't get done. As is, I just have to go downstairs, and that takes me days.