When I was about six, my brothers and I decided to call our parents M and D. And occasionally Ma and Pa Kettle.
I call Wallybee Sweetie most of the time, and occasionally Baobei (Chinese, more or less, for "My Precious". And now I'm curious to see LotR dubbed in Mandarin.)
I called my parents by their first names until kinder.
I have been to the store and purchased wine that I will bring to a New Year's Eve party. Now I need to make chili and freeze most of it so I'll have something to eat when I get back, and pack my bag.
Getting out of bed is the first step.
And that went into my cart with my textbook.
eta: Re: the Python mega-set
Somehow I managed to get a paper cut on the outside of my left little fingertip today. I put a band-aid around it, but it still stings.
I'm trying to send out my Christmas thank-you notes. Typing the addresses to print on the labels is not supposed to be more painful than composing the notes themselves.
I refer to Ethan as either "Ethan" or "my husband" at work, depending on who I'm talking to and whether or not they'll know that "Ethan" refers to my husband. (Though I also frequently come thisclose to saying "DH" out loud.)
And wow, this hotel has the slowest internet in the world. I think they may have hooked up their wifi routers to a dial-up modem...
For example, google.com has a cache lifetime of only three minutes. This allows it to recover from failure quicker; if a host goes down, the bad address won't get stuck in other people's DNS caches for very long.
Aha! Thank you, Tom Scola.
I refer to people by their relationship to me unless the person I'm talking to has met them, or insists I use their name. Or I'm making a point.
Of course, my parents are named Mummy and Daddy. In certain circumstances they become "your father" or "your husband." Or even "your problem."