Famous San Francisco Sea Lions Abandon Their Pier 39 Post
The blubbery sea lions at Pier 39, one of San Francisco’s smelliest and most famous tourist attractions, are gone. During the last week of November, they left the wooden docks on which they’ve spent the last 20 years and no one knows if they’ll be coming back.
Cool video of spider monkeys eating/playing with Jello: Who Doesn't Love Jello?
My vet showed me the tartar on one of my cat's teeth, and it was *nast.* Like, a quarter of an inch thick. And that's the cat who's already had her teeth cleaned once.
It's about the risk of infection, to my understanding, since chronic infections can lead to heart disease (see: Andy Hallett). But none of that makes the expense any easier to stomach. Both my cats need a cleaning.
Famous San Francisco Sea Lions Abandon Their Pier 39 Post
So long and thanks for all the fish?
In my experience as a human, teeth issues are pretty individual, and for five years, vets never suggested a cleaning, so I figure I'll believe them now.
Famous San Francisco Sea Lions Abandon Their Pier 39 Post
I bet the sea lions were all, "Twenty years we've been here, and not once did they give us Jello. Now they're giving Jello to spider monkeys? Fuck this - we're outa' here!"
I should clean my cat's teeth. It costs a lot more than cleaning mine, though...
I was all primed to go all carry-on for my flight to NO, but toothpaste. My uberspecial kind is only in the big tube. Everything else I can size down easily. I have nothing to put that into.
And I have to work out what to wear. Problem with wearing so much black is that nothing feels funereal. I think I may go with purple. That's what many people wore to her brother's funeral.
ita, can't you just put enough of it in a small tupperware or something? Some kind of small open-faced jar?