Cat is sleeping a third on my hip, 1/3 on the back of the chair, and 1/3 on the arm, ass high in the air is the extreme angle she is lying at, under the throw. She is too cute for words.
Also, why is it now that I can find pretty skirts to wear, but no shorts. Winter jewel tone cardigans but no 3/4 pants?
I feel that, Jess. I still am not fully back and it's been over 10 days now.
connie & brenda, you'll never replace. You'll just meet a new companion when and if the time is right.
The plants look great, sara.
Drunken bar post: There are lots of woo girls here tonight.
Wooo and a side of hoooooooooo.
Woo girls?
Kat, now the challenge is to keep them alive. I kinda suck at that. One is already droopy from suffering my car while I ran into target.
I was a bit crazed today; still am, frankly. I caulked the basement leak this evening. And oiled the deck furniture. And cleaned. And emailed inappropriately. And hung some more pictures. I expect the energy to burn off eventually, though I don't want it to. It's who I was Over There, and I liked her.