Ooh, I like that! (ETA--Firecrackers on the tree in the yard, not an esploding tree in the fireplace)
A friend's mom always did the Advent journey. She'd set up the creche under the tree, with M&J, the animals and shepherds, but the manger would be empty and the wise men across the room somewhere. The wise men would move a little toward the creche every day, and on Christmas Day the baby would magically appear in the manger. The wise men would continue their journey, and by Jan. 8, they would arrive at the creche. She'd take down the tree and other decorations and leave the creche another day or two. Her kids (and I!) always looked forward to the journey, and loved to spot the places where the wisemen were as they made their way to the creche.
My back and neck pain is particularly irksome today. I have taken a darvocet, a flexeril and 4 advil in the hopes that the pain will break immediately. Or you know, while I'm asleep and dead to the world.
I fully believe in the 12 Days of Christmas. My grandmother was saying how someone's Christmas card was late this year, and I was all, "It's only the second day of Christmas!"
That cough sounds like "stay in while your boyfriend brings you back Indian food". Holmes will still be there when your cough is better for tonight, TWBB can compensate for delayng seeing Holmes by getting to pick the Video he picks up on his way back from the Indian place. (Unless you have good choices via internet or on-demand).
We were too hungry to wait for Indian food, so we had leftovers, which were still good (though not Indian).
The Boy is now wandering around looking all over the house because he lost the tortilla chips.
I don't EVEN know.
We're probably going to do the movie, because getting out of the house will probably be good for me. Unless it gives me pneumonia. But then, there's only one way to find out, so movie it is!
We leave our tree up until after the New Year. Sometimes longer if we're particularly lazy.
Happy birthday, Rayne! Happy birthday, Jesse! Happy birthday, Theodosia!
Happy Boxing Day, everyone! Since we've had at least 8" of snow here since yesterday evening, it was pretty quiet at the bookstore. Steady enough with returns and people cashing in gift cards, but not nearly as busy as it usually is the day after Christmas. Came home to get the last box mailed from my mom, which included my annual Annalee doll (I've got quite the collection, all from her!) and a really pretty (and tall) angel that I'll have to exchange due to some breakage.
My tree didn't go up until last weekend, so it's going to stay up until 1/10. I'm also extending my Christmas by watching the George C. Scott Christmas Carol that I had on my dvr. I love watching the Doctor-Who-era Mark Strickson as the young Ebenezer, and Roger Rees as Fred, who is just delightful.
Best part of the day: no cooking.
Worst part of the day: Franny's tears at her cousin's departure. Truly broken hearted.
Skimming a lot to squeak in a happy birthday to Jesse!
I am HOME! And there's like no snow left. I am shocked (and relieved.) I'm going to be so happy to sweep the litter off the steps cause it tracks everywhere.
Trip was good, though I've realized I connect best with my parents if it is just us. I swear, I get more from an hour phone conversation weekly than I did this whole week. But I spent a lot of time with my brother and SIL and the boys, which I don't get weekly. Especially since the boys don't talk on the phone much.
Fun and fabulous gifts received: From my dad, "Purity and Truth" edition of
What A Young Woman Ought to Know
by Mrs. Mary Wood Allen, M.D. circa 1913. I expect to be sharing many an appalling excerpt. From mom, a woven scarf/piece I had admired in Bhutan that I totally did not realize they'd gotten. I simply couldn't justify the cost. It's lavender and a semi-metallic floss and I just loved the shimmery of it. Pix to come eventually. It's going on the walls somewhere. Also, a stained glass piece of my maternal grandmother's. Goes in the windows! From my SIL, the FU, Penguin book. AHAHAHA! A rubber spider and the SHINIEST pleather bag ever from the Dollar store from Dominic. I have to find a way to use it, you know?? Also, some high-heel shaped carbiners. Perfect.
Also got assorted towels that match my crazy bathroom.
The boys are great. I played Mario Kart with D on their new Wii, and damned if I didn't actually get good at it. I was able to coax laughter from one of T's major tantrums (holy hell, this child has D beat by MILES for stubbornness, and we all thought D was immovable) though he's still not saying my name. He can speak, clear as a bell. When he wants to. Which isn't 95% of the time.
Came home to a message from Ms. Louise. I've been calling her monthly, but not getting a hold of her. Seems she had a bad fall, but is home now. Will call her tomorrow and hopefully visit next weekend.
Worst part of the day: Franny's tears at her cousin's departure. Truly broken hearted.
Still, it's good to have a favorite cousin.