How to move from one house to another in Israel
My family is about to move to another place. Here's how we did it:
First demand: weather wise. My dad can stand the heat and the humidity.
Second demand: security and political belief-wise. I won't live in a settlement, no matter if it's in the Israeli territory in the road map.
The discussion:
1. Around Be'er Sheva:
Nobody's too excited about it. I think it could work, but it'll make my mom's life a bit harder.
2. The North:
Good on the climate front, but nobody think it'll be safe in case of when another will break.
3. Souther:
Worst on the weather front. And the idea of the moving is to make our parents life easier, living in/closer to big cities (we're in the periphery now, they're getting tired of the driving), so it won't work.
4. The coastal plain:
Not even being considered, due to horrible climate and this family's hate to Tel Aviv.
5. Jerusalem area
Where we'll move, apparently. War-wise, no one will dare to shoot at and accidentally wipe out a holy place. Excellent weather, and as I said, the only city I ever felt comfortable at. disadvantage: almost no way to decide what's "Israeli" and what's not. According to my family and the road map, Ma'ale Adumim, which is a settlement counts as Israeli territory, but I refuse to move there. Also, since there are only 3 neighborhoods which are "officially" Israeli since the Jews went outside of the walls of Old City in Jerusalem in 1886, it's very hard to tell (officially Jews couldn't buy lands in that area for a very long time).
The result: it'll be Jerusalem or the area, but we're very busy these days in discussion of what counts as occupied territory, 48' boarder lines, 67' boarder lines, and the fact that my university is technically on occupied territory.
The funny part: "Say, do you think that when they're moving in other countries they're doing all of this? "Thou shalt not live a step east of Hadrian's Wall?".