Back home after two of our three Xmas films. Enjoyed how Avatar looked, even if it was "Dances with Aliens." Sherlock Holmes I can't comment on, as I was blinded by RDJ and Jude law lust. We are home to walk and cuddle the dogs, before going to see Nine, last film of the day.
Oh, and the DH gave me a gorgeous diamond (!) tennis bracelet. Thank god we can't afford big diamonds, as the teeny tiny ones in this bracelet are perfect and and sparkly without being annoying.
A bunch of unicorn-related t-shirts for sale:
Including... Batman Unicorn (BatUnicorn? UniBatCorn?)
Sherlock Holmes I can't comment on, as I was blinded by RDJ and Jude law lust
I just wrote something similar in my LJ.
And so far, no tears.
We were doing okay on this front until we dropped Emmett off with his Mom and Matilda went into hysterics crying his name until he came back and held her. It was like a scene from a Lifetime movie where the kids are taken away from the mom and they're so anguished. It was a little heartwrenching even though she's going to see him again as soon as Sunday.
Otherwise though we had a very fun time with JZ's extended family of cousins. Emmett's been going for five years now for various Easters and Xmas and baptisms and whatnot so he's comfortable with the other kids. We saw JZ's cousin Nicole (the proto-Goth Michael Jackson imitator). She's now performing at anime conventions.
Can you guess her character? Harley Quinn.
She showed us a picture - perfect costume and she's got the voice down too. Too funny. Oh well, a step up from MJ.
Apparently she did street improv in Hollywood as Harley and made $400.
If anyone asks you to explain "om nom nom," just send them this: Know Your Meme: Om Nom Nom
I was actually asked to explain this today, when I made this noise when presented with meatballs.
I had a lovely time and I GOT A COMPLETE SURPRISE KINDLE!!! My nice uncle and my mom bought it for me.
I later almost committed uncle-cide(avunculcide?)when my backseat driving annoying uncle backseat drove my setting up my mom's new computer and getting her connected with dial-up temporarily. I set my mom up with gmail because I didn't want her to get used to the free-trial dial-up service email if she was going to switch, and you would have thought I was murdering children. Also, he called me stupid because I didn't know that google was owned by MSN. GRRRRR.
So we had Grace all day today (in both the name-of-my-kid sense but also the literal meaning of grace). Our first 4 hours with both kids was rough. Grace needed a nap, she had a g-tube malfunction, the suction machine was missing a critical tube in order to work, she had super thick secretions, the regulator on her O2 tank was the wrong one and Noah was acting two ('nuff said). By noon we had to go back to TK twice to get missing pieces to make Grace's stay possible.
Then we went to our friend S's house which was perfect. They had not met Grace before, or had not seen her since she was in the first NICU. They were charmed, and she sat on the couch like queen of the living room. Grace is a great kid to visit with in that she is quiet and she likes people and she is willing to sit in one place.
Noah got three gift trash trucks, one from S's son so he was over the moon. He played with S's son for 3 solid hours, then stumbled into the living room and said, "I want to go home."
At home it was more gift unwrapping and playing. The best toy was the old school version found NIB on ebay of this toy: [link] Both kids LOVE LOVE LOVE it, but why did I buy toys that play music. They also both skyped with my mom.
We got Grace back to TK with only one more minor mishap. Nothing big, but I can't wait until she's home so we just have to handle all of this without worrying about the right gear and equipment being hauled back and forth.
I'm pretty sure Google is not owned by MSN. Who's the stupid one now?
also, we still have gifts to unwrap -- Noah has two and Grace has four or more. We're like the opposite of most other families with kids.
sophia, he sounds like a tool. Holidays should be tool free.
Microsoft would love to own Google, I'm sure, but nosirree.
Kat, I think it's so cool that you get so much more Grace time, especially on your own territory.
Sis and I are on film #3.
Sherlock Holmes
in the theatre, and then
and now
American Psycho.
Onion AV Club voted the business card exchange scene as memorable for the decade, but I don't even think it's the most in the movie. Offing Paul Allen was much more so.