I was lonely at my in-laws' but am happy to get online with my peeps. I'm at the hotel with sleeping Dillo. mr. flea has gone back to SIL's to put Casper to bed on her cousin's floor and then do the stockings and putting the presents under the tree, and probably stay way late chatting with his parents, which is good for all of them.
Dillo learned to Wii bowl. It was hard for him to figure out how to let the button go to release the ball, but when he got it he'd spin around in glee after each shot. Sooooo adorable.
Everyone sounds so cozy, I love it. We had a tasty tomato basil soup for dinner and are going for a short walk after cleanup. Then it'll be more Christmas books in front of the fire and tree.
Yay for soup, fire, family, and trees!!
I still have to do my dishes, but at least I've finally got all my Xmas music on my computer and playing with the shuffle option turned on. Just listened to Empire Brass, and now I've got the Beach Boys singing "I wanna meet Santa Claus / the real real Santa..."
The people upstairs from me are having a party.
I tried going to sleep, but no luck. It's not that they are really loud at all, just loud enough to combine with my not really sleepy.
I think we missed the Magical Christmas Caroling Truck this year which makes me sad.
Oh! We had one of those go through the neighborhood last weekend. H and I turned to each other, "Ice cream?"
Turns out one of the neighbors does it every year.
I've been behind in Natter for days. So much going on.
I'm so sorry about your cousin, ita.
Congrats to Glam and her DW and Nora and Kira on their new babies! And congrats to 'Ouise and Helena on their aunthood. (Special thanks to 'Ousie and Megan for looking after my cats while I'm away.)
So I am in day 6 of Xmas with the family. I think my tolerance is going to bust just in time for Xmas. Not that anything's going horribly wrong, but it's just too much family. Three days until I go home.
The other thing is that my mother's memory is going. She lost my nephew's iPod Touch twice in two days. It probably doesn't help that she's has no idea what the hell it is. She keeps asking if it's his phone. It's troubling, but she refuses to acknowledge that it's an issue. Nor will she admit that she's hard of hearing, but she's gotten deafer than my dad, who is completely deaf in one ear and and had a hearing aid for the other. Her stubbornness is not weakening at all.
She's also insisting on cooking Xmas dinner, even though she's 80 and cooking big meals exhausts her.
As it has most birthdays of D's, including his actual birth day*, storming here in Alabama. No tornado watches this time, and it isn't snow. This time. I think there was a whimper of snow last year. It was cold, I remember that.
* night he was born, there was thunder and lightening, hail, sleet and tornado watches and actual tornadoes in that part of Texas.
Santa's cookies and the reindeer food have been disposed of. Thankfully not in my brother's beer this year.
It's December 25th here. Happy Christmas!!!!