I am a ziploc bag fiend. I really should re-use. Or at least recycle more consistently--I tend to only recycle plastic food containers I bought food in, for some reason.
Actually, most of my ziploc use is non-food. Office supplies! Peripherals and cables!
I just sent him an email telling him to pick some up on the way home!
::high fives Cash and flea::
recycle plastic food containers
We can't recycle those here, only plastic bottles.
So a vendor called me this morning. He wanted to know if I would be in all day, becuase gift baskets they had ordered for us got sent to their office instead of ours by mistake. I assured him I would be here. He kept using "you". Like "I wanted to make sure you would be there. It was important you got yours." So I thought I was actually getting one. They just came, 3 big boxes, not one for me. Poop.
For plastic bags, I usually re-use for the same thing as long as possible -- like, I have cheese in a ziploc in my fridge, and just put the new cheese in the same bag.
I do this, too! But I try to use plastic containers as much as possible.
recycle plastic food containers
We can't recycle those here, only plastic bottles.
Our plastic recycling is by number (#1 and #2 only), not by what the plastic thing is (i.e., bottle, hummus container, etc). Trader Joe's uses a LOT of #2 plastic for their stuff, which is awesome since we can recycle it.
We can't recycle those here, only plastic bottles.
ditto in NY, although people contantly throw them into the recycling.
They just came, 3 big boxes, not one for me. Poop.
I say charge a 33.33% processing fee.
ditto in NY, although people contantly throw them into the recycling.
Same here. Even though bottles and other containers may have the same number, they have different melting points and chemical compositions. Bottles are blow-molded and have a much more consistent melting point and a much better consistency (gooey) when melted as compared to injection-molded plastic (runny/drippy). That's why bottle recycling is much more common.
There's your recycling information nugget for the day!
There's your recycling information nugget for the day!
That's interesting. I wonder why our recycling is cool with bottles and with butter tubs, as long as they're the same number. Are there different ways to recycle plastics? I mean, at the point of the recycling company?
Now I need to check my recycling flyer. I'd been washing and recycling my stuff like Steph.
Linked to from the Simpsons Papacy page is a list of 15 scandals of the decade. They include what I consider a complete non-event, Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction". But the quoted text on the page caught my eye:
Since 2004, the Super Bowl has stuck to classic rockers like Bruce Springsteen, Paul McCartney and Prince, who are not likely to have wardrobe malfunctions during a halftime show
Oh, Prince, how far you've come and how much I miss the old you.