I think he's found his groove as Eliot, and not least of all because they let him do his own stunts and take out his own stitches early.
I thought of him when we were
taking a staple out of one of our designer's heads
at the office the other day. (The head of one of the designers, that is, not a designer with multiple heads, one of which we took a staple out of. To be clear.)
I love The Sting. Love. And Angel-era Wesley wins out over just about anybody I can think of.
My cat once bought a gun. Hubby had left his computer on an auction site, with the mouse too close to the Buy It Now button. He also came very close to buying a yacht, and for that he had to change windows and scroll down.
Hah! I remember that.
I'm not sure what a New Age Traveller is, Hil, but those aren't Roma gypsies.
I'm not sure what a New Age Traveller is, Hil, but those aren't Roma gypsies.
OK, thanks. That what I'd thought. New Age Traveller seemed to be the best term the internet had for the group that I thought they were. [link]
Hey aurelia!
This is too funny. My First Fail
In case ya' wanna look at pictures of cool machinery: Jet Engines on Trucks (For Fun and Profit)
My First Fail
That was more fun than even jet engines on trucks!
Oh. I wasn't thinking of those Travellers--Britain has non-Roma Travellers that aren't new agey at all, they're old. I think of them as primarily Irish, though that's probably narrow on my part.
Oh! I have a British English question, too! A "vest" is a US tank top, right? I was annoyed reading a book by an English author about American characters in the US who kept putting on vests to do yoga, etc.