I don't get it, either.
Okay, okay, I stop.
I get not getting the Misha love (until you've read his Twitter feed) since he's an odd bird, and his looks are more particular. I just have tunnel vision about some pretty men. Michael Praed, Joseph Gordon Levitt, John Barrowman...oh, the list goes on and on...I just don't get deviation in taste sometimes.
But that's what makes horse races.
Mmmm. I could look at that all day. And sometimes do.
Huh. I just realised that if you link directly to images from my site referring is broken from alt.buffistas.net. But you can always link to a page with just the image on it. I was losing hundreds of dollars a month in bandwidth charges, so I had to crack down on hotlinking. Not from here, naturally. Which is why the buffistas.org avenue is open. Never thought of alt.buffistas.net, which is how I get to it from work.
I just read John Barrowman as John Barrymore, and thought it was weird that ita thought John Barrymore was pretty!
I found this youtube video of Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass while look for the theme to Peter Gunn. This has to be the worst fake trumpet playing I have every seen, and I am easily fooled by lip synching and toupees. Like, he is holding the trumpet up to his lips and not even pretending to blow.
I'm sort of expecting Jenson Ackles to be your chimney sweep.
hey lady did you order a chimney sweep? bowm chica bowm wowm.
I don't get it, either.
He's not UNattractive, but he doesn't make me go hubba hubba.
Ok- who makes these things?
he doesn't make me go hubba hubba.
Maybe you need to see him cry. Or kill things. Or be humped by his ginormatron co-star. Or die.
There's pretty and then there's too pretty. For me. In still pictures, especially.