Stewie Griffin Does Letterman's Top Ten (VIDEO)
Letterman welcomed Family Guy's Stewie Griffin to the show last night to present "The Top Ten Things You Don't Want To Hear From Your Child." While lines like "I just took a leak in your car. Happy Father's Day" would most likely shock unsuspecting parents, they seem so natural coming out of Stewie's mouth.
Make Drool-Worthy Bacon Cups for Your Holiday Party
When it comes to party appetizers, pigs in a blanket are yesterday's news. If you really want to wow your guests, we have two words for you: bacon cups.
Make sure you have lunch before you check out home project weblog Not Martha's post on how to make these knock-your-socks-off bacon cups, because you will get hungry. The author experimented with different ways to weave mini bacon baskets together and plop them on the bottom of a foil-lined muffin tin to hold their shape in the oven.
She went through loads of bacon and tried several methods before landing on the perfect way to make two different sized baskets. The larger size is perfect for holding a lettuce and tomato salad, while the smaller version is perfect for bite-size appetizers or finger food.
Stunning photographs of animals inside womb
Who's a cute widdle unborn shark? You are! Yes you are!
Davenport (such a cutie!)
Margulies (nothing personal, just the company)
Lynch (she rocks)
Connelly (eh, she's not Aniston)
Aniston (eh, she's Aniston)
Momoa (rrowr)
Depp (damn!)
Ackles (cutie!)
Timberlake (mmm)
Probst (don't get it)
I am surprised to learn that I apparently have clear, simple, and strong opinions on that one.
You Ced Ackles!?! Crazy person!
I know! It's a little alarming.
But you Ced Depp! I couldn't do that. He's been pretty for a long time now, and he is just that little bit deranged that I apparently find irresistible.
I will give you all of the rest of them, as long as I can have Depp.
BINAO: David Bowie, Johnny Depp